비트겟 등록방법 주의사항 및 이벤트 정리까지!

이기타리아토이, 출처 앤 스플래시 이기타리아토이, 출처 앤 스플래시

안녕하세요 요즘 비트코인은 유의미한 가격대를 지지하는 모습을 보이고 있는데요. 이후 이제 큰 방향이 나올 수 있기 때문에 현물보다는 선물 거래가 적합한 시점이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 이러한 선물거래는 국내 거래소에서는 이용이 불가능한 서비스로 해외 거래소를 통해 거래할 수 있는 방식입니다. 그 중에서도 선물거래에 특화된 비트겟 거래소는 레버리지를 활용한 투자전략을 구축할 수 있다는 점에서 가장 선호되는 거래소입니다. 그 외에도 전문적인 투자자의 포지션을 따라하는 카피 트레이딩 서비스를 최초로 시작한 플랫폼으로 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 그러면 오늘은 비트겟 가입 방법과 이벤트에 대해 배우는 시간을 가져보도록 하겠습니다. 비트겟 가입 주의사항 안녕하세요。 요즘 비트코인은 유의미한 가격대를 지지하는 모습을 보이고 있는데요. 이후 이제 큰 방향이 나올 수 있기 때문에 현물보다는 선물 거래가 적합한 시점이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 이러한 선물거래는 국내 거래소에서는 이용이 불가능한 서비스로 해외 거래소를 통해 거래할 수 있는 방식입니다. 그 중에서도 선물거래에 특화된 비트겟 거래소는 레버리지를 활용한 투자전략을 구축할 수 있다는 점에서 가장 선호되는 거래소입니다. 그 외에도 전문적인 투자자의 포지션을 따라하는 카피 트레이딩 서비스를 최초로 시작한 플랫폼으로 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 그러면 오늘은 비트겟 가입 방법과 이벤트에 대해 배우는 시간을 가져보도록 하겠습니다. 비트겟 가입 주의사항

비트겟에 가입하기 전 주의사항 먼저 살펴볼게요. 왜냐하면 비트겟 가입 유의사항을 놓치면 입출금이 되지 않아 곤란한 상황이 발생할 수 있기 때문입니다. 비트겟 가입의 주의사항은 자금이동추적시스템에서 송금자 정보를 기록하는 트래블 룰을 지켜야 한다는 것입니다. 국내 거래소 업비트와 빗썸, 코인원 등은 원화를 직접 입금하고 거래할 수 있지만 비트겟 거래소는 원화 입금이 안 됩니다. 때문에 리플이나 트론처럼 수수료가 저렴하고 전송이 빠른 코인을 이용해 투자금을 거래소에 입금해야 합니다. 국내 거래소 업비트는 100만원 이상 디지털 자산 입금 시 송금인과 수취인의 영문명이 동일인임을 확인하는데, 이런 제도가 트래블 룰입니다. 여기서 지켜야 할 주의사항은 비트겟 거래소에 가입할 때 여권에 명시된 성과 이름을 정확히 입력하는 것입니다. 국내 거래소에서도 동일하게 적용됩니다. 비트겟 카피 트레이딩 비트겟에 가입하기 전 주의사항을 먼저 살펴봅니다. 왜냐하면 비트겟 가입 유의사항을 놓치면 입출금이 되지 않아 곤란한 상황이 발생할 수 있기 때문입니다. 비트겟 가입의 주의사항은 자금이동추적시스템에서 송금자 정보를 기록하는 트래블 룰을 지켜야 한다는 것입니다. 국내 거래소 업비트와 빗썸, 코인원 등은 원화를 직접 입금하고 거래할 수 있지만 비트겟 거래소는 원화 입금이 안 됩니다. 때문에 리플이나 트론처럼 수수료가 저렴하고 전송이 빠른 코인을 이용해 투자금을 거래소에 입금해야 합니다. 국내 거래소 업비트는 100만원 이상 디지털 자산 입금 시 송금인과 수취인의 영문명이 동일인임을 확인하는데, 이런 제도가 트래블 룰입니다. 여기서 지켜야 할 주의사항은 비트겟 거래소에 가입할 때 여권에 명시된 성과 이름을 정확히 입력하는 것입니다. 국내 거래소에서도 동일하게 적용됩니다. 비트겟 카피트레이딩

비트겟은 카피 트레이딩에 대응하고 있습니다만. 이는 전문 트레이더의 포지션을 복사해 이익을 얻는 비트겟 거래소만의 기능으로 초보자들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다. 단, 한 가지 단점은 수익의 일부를 트레이더에게 지불해야 한다는 것입니다. 선물 거래는 수수료 할인을 받지 않으면 수수료 부담이 큰데, 거기에 더해 트레이더에게까지 수수료를 부담하는 것입니다. 그래서 최대한 수수료를 줄일 수 있는 방법을 강구해야 하는데 오늘 가입 주의사항에서 말씀드릴 부분이 이 부분입니다. 공식 인플루언서 링크를 통해 등록하시면 영구적으로 선물수수료 할인 50%가 지급되므로 반드시 레퍼럴이 기입된 아래 링크를 통해 등록하시면 혜택을 받으실 수 있습니다. ※ 비트겟에 가입하기: https://partner.bitget.com/bg/4DSUCQ 비트겟 거래소 수수료 비트겟은 카피 트레이딩에 대응하고 있습니다만. 이는 전문 트레이더의 포지션을 복사해 이익을 얻는 비트겟 거래소만의 기능으로 초보자들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다. 단, 한 가지 단점은 수익의 일부를 트레이더에게 지불해야 한다는 것입니다. 선물 거래는 수수료 할인을 받지 않으면 수수료 부담이 큰데, 거기에 더해 트레이더에게까지 수수료를 부담하는 것입니다. 그래서 최대한 수수료를 줄일 수 있는 방법을 강구해야 하는데 오늘 가입 주의사항에서 말씀드릴 부분이 이 부분입니다. 공식 인플루언서 링크를 통해 등록하시면 영구적으로 선물수수료 할인 50%가 지급되므로 반드시 레퍼럴이 기입된 아래 링크를 통해 등록하시면 혜택을 받으실 수 있습니다. ※ 비트겟에 가입하기: https://partner.bitget.com/bg/4DSUCQ 비트겟 거래소 수수료

bey_studio, 출처Unsplash bey_studio, 출처Unsplash

We offer 0.02% manufacturer (designated price) and 0.06% taker (market price) for Bitget Exchange futures commission. Bitget Exchange can trade both up and down, so there is a fee for both trading. In addition, due to the nature of leverage, it is wise to receive a commission discount because if you increase the magnification, the commission will rise to the same magnification. Sign up for the link below and you will receive a 50% discount permanently. https://partner.bitget.com/bg/4DSUCQ is an exchange registration screen, so if you register with your email address or mobile phone number, you will receive benefits from various events provided by Bitget. BIT-GET SUBSCRIPTION METHOD We offer 0.02% manufacturer (designated price) and 0.06% taker (market price) for Bitget Exchange futures commission. Bitget Exchange can trade both up and down, so there is a fee for both trading. In addition, due to the nature of leverage, it is wise to receive a commission discount because if you increase the magnification, the commission will rise to the same magnification. Sign up for the link below and you will receive a 50% discount permanently. https://partner.bitget.com/bg/4DSUCQ is an exchange registration screen, so if you register with your email address or mobile phone number, you will receive benefits from various events provided by Bitget. BIT-GET SUBSCRIPTION METHOD

Then, let’s learn how to sign up for Bitget Exchange by applying a 50% discount on the commission. Click the link above to go to the Bitget Exchange subscription screen. Then, let’s learn how to sign up for Bitget Exchange by applying a 50% discount on the commission. Click the link above to go to the Bitget Exchange subscription screen.

This link is 50% discount code cnw4 automatically applied, so you can register in the link above. If you have a bit-getting app, you can enter the code cnw4 above. Subscription can be selected from email addresses or mobile phone numbers, but if you are subscribing for the first time, it is recommended that you subscribe with an email address. I usually use Naver or Google addresses. This link is 50% discount code cnw4 automatically applied, so you can register in the link above. If you have a bit-getting app, you can enter the code cnw4 above. Subscription can be selected from email addresses or mobile phone numbers, but if you are subscribing for the first time, it is recommended that you subscribe with an email address. I usually use Naver or Google addresses.

If the subscription screen is inconvenient in English, press the tool in the upper right corner of Chrome and click Translation to automatically translate it into Korean, so please refer to it. Enter your email address and password. However, passwords must contain special characters, uppercase letters, and numbers and must be combined with at least eight digits. That’s the end of the bit-getting subscription. Actually, you can sign up in three minutes. However, due to the travel rules, there is still a process that requires identity verification called KYC certification. KYC certification is a procedure for identifying customers and maintaining system stability. In other words, it can be seen as a way to prove the identity of the user. You can download, run, and log in to the Bitget app for KYC authentication to identify Identity Verification. I will push my teeth. If the subscription screen is inconvenient in English, press the tool in the upper right corner of Chrome and click Translation to automatically translate it into Korean, so please refer to it. Enter your email address and password. However, passwords must contain special characters, uppercase letters, and numbers and must be combined with at least eight digits. That’s the end of the bit-getting subscription. Actually, you can sign up in three minutes. However, due to the travel rules, there is still a process that requires identity verification called KYC certification. KYC certification is a procedure for identifying customers and maintaining system stability. In other words, it can be seen as a way to prove the identity of the user. You can download, run, and log in to the Bitget app for KYC authentication to identify Identity Verification. I will push my teeth.

Alternatively, you will be notified to automatically verify your identity. We will inform you that we can do business up to 3MUSDT even in the confirmation process of Level 1. Then press Verify now and press Verify again. Then you will see a consent pop-up saying that you will access the camera and photos with bit-getting, and I agree with this. That’s because KYC certification passes after taking an ID card and identifying your face. Alternatively, you will be notified to automatically verify your identity. We will inform you that we can do business up to 3MUSDT even in the confirmation process of Level 1. Then press Verify now and press Verify again. Then you will see a consent pop-up saying that you will access the camera and photos with bit-getting, and I agree with this. That’s because KYC certification passes after taking an ID card and identifying your face.

Please prepare one of your resident registration card, passport, or driver’s license for identification. Bitget recommends a resident registration card and selects the prepared ID. Next is the order in which you have to enter an English name that must comply with travel rules for smooth deposit and withdrawal. For First name, enter a first name, and for Last name, enter a last name. This is to check the English name entered on the domestic exchange again and enter it. Please prepare one of your resident registration card, passport, or driver’s license for identification. Bitget recommends a resident registration card and selects the prepared ID. Next is the order in which you have to enter an English name that must comply with travel rules for smooth deposit and withdrawal. For First name, enter a first name, and for Last name, enter a last name. This is to check the English name entered on the domestic exchange again and enter it.

And when I take an ID photo, I take it carefully so that the focus is not blurred. Since you have to take pictures of both the front and the back, you have to take pictures where the light is not reflected to improve your perception. Also, please position your face in an oval shape under Keep your face with the oval message and press the photo button. This completes the KYC certification. And when I take an ID photo, I take it carefully so that the focus is not blurred. Since you have to take pictures of both the front and the back, you have to take pictures where the light is not reflected to improve your perception. Also, please position your face in an oval shape under Keep your face with the oval message and press the photo button. This completes the KYC certification.

Authentication completion can be found in the bitget profile. This means that Verified Green Mark is an account that has completed KYC certification. After that, in order to do futures trading, you can transfer the coins held by the domestic exchange to Bitget and then trade with the coins transferred. Bitget is an overseas exchange, so you can’t deposit won directly. You can check the completion of the new event authentication in Bitget July in Bitget profile. This means that Verified Green Mark is an account that has completed KYC certification. After that, in order to do futures trading, you can transfer the coins held by the domestic exchange to Bitget and then trade with the coins transferred. Bitget is an overseas exchange, so you can’t deposit won directly. Bitget July New Event

Bitget can offer various events to accounts with discount codes. Currently, we are holding an event to pay individual compensation up to 2200 usdt through the VIP upgrade anniversary event. To participate, you can participate in the event by pressing the “Join Now” button on the event page after logging in. The period is from June 11th to July 10th. There is about a week left. But don’t worry! Even after the event, Bitget Exchange will continue to hold new events, so even if you sign up after July 10th, you can receive the event benefits that were held at that time. Bitget can offer various events to accounts with discount codes. Currently, we are holding an event to pay individual compensation up to 2200 usdt through the VIP upgrade anniversary event. To participate, you can participate in the event by pressing the “Join Now” button on the event page after logging in. The period is from June 11th to July 10th. There is about a week left. But don’t worry! Even after the event, Bitget Exchange will continue to hold new events, so even if you sign up after July 10th, you can receive the event benefits that were held at that time.

Kendall Scott, Source Ansplash Kendall Scott, Source Ansplash

Participation in the https://partner.bitget.com/bg/4DSUCQ event is a special bonus only for users with cnw4 who can register through the link above and receive a 50% discount on fees, so be sure to apply the code and register. This is the end of the explanation of how to join Bitget. I hope I was of service to you I hope you have a happy day today too~ Participation in the https://partner.bitget.com/bg/4DSUCQ event is a special bonus only for users with cnw4 who can register through the link above and receive a 50% discount on fees, so be sure to apply the code and register. This is the end of the explanation of how to join Bitget. I hope I was of service to you I hope you have a happy day today too~

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